Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Well, it can't all be good news...

Alas, it is not all puppies and rainbows over here at the Boettcher-Burkes.

We took Kiernan into the doctor yesterday for his 9-month checkup and, although there was good news, there was some not-so-good news as well. First, ever the optimist, I'll report the good news: Kiernan is nearly in the 75th percentile for height. He's grown 2 1/2 inches since his 6-month checkup! Wow!

And the not so good? He's actually LOST weight since his 6-month checkup and is now in the 3-5th percentile for weight. Poor little monkey! You can imagine that Billy and I were very worried about what might be going on with Kier Kier, but the doctor assured us (after being told in no uncertain terms that we are NOT going to give him formula; sidenote: I'm always amazed by the things that both doctors and vets are not that knowledgeable about) that with a month of pretty constant nursing we should be able to get Kiernan back on track.

Between that and Kiernan getting a vaccination, we were all ready to call it quits at the doctor's office. We'll go back in a month to check his weight, but please everyone say a prayer that he makes a complete turn around and gains weight like a champ!


Todd and Jenna said...

My twins are formula fed but good for you for not starting Keirnan on formula. Breast milk is so much better. No matter what the Dr. says, YOU choose what is best for YOUR baby! Sending prayers your way.

Todd and Jenna said...

Oops...misspelled Kiernan's name, and I don't how to edit! lol