Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Echo Fetus Location!

It's really real. No serious, I saw little Fetus jump and wave his/her little arms. Even though Fetus spent most of the ultrasound mooning us, he/she did roll over and start doing an odd form of leg press (as seen in the photo on top). Fetus firmly planted his/her big noggin' on the placenta and then began pushing his/her butt into the air (proof that he's a Burke after all). The whole experience was awesome, a thundering heart rate of 163 beats per minute, and a solid tumbling routine. But, as you can tell we will have to wait for the next ultrasound to learn the sex. (sorry this was so short, and not edited, but I have to get back to studying.)

^ click on the pic to see them supersized.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Fetus the mighty!

Sorry to all for the lack of activity on the blog but, to be perfectly honest, not much is happening. Not much is happening baby-wise, I should say. Tyf had another doctor's appointment. She did not in fact see the doctor but only had a conversation with a nurse about the possible genetic prowess of Fetus. I tried to explain to Tyf that due to a slew of medical experiments that have been performed on me by our government in a joint effort with the dopplgangers from the third moon of (the former planet) Pluto, Fetus will be nigh impervious to everything but the bite from a gamma-irradiated gnu. Thus, rendering the genetic counseling moot. But, Tyf didn't want to hear it, and again I was banned from a doctor's appointment. Which was just as well because I had to be in Bar Review class anyway.

On the other hand things are moving right along on the baby-preparation side of things. Well, not in any physical way. We haven't moved a stick of furniture, but in our minds the nursery is rockin' like a fat kid on a trampoline. (What!?! Bad karma?) Anyway, Tyf has also taken full advantage of the Fort Worth public library and checked out every "What to expect when a happy baby on the block with your girlfriend and pregnancy dummies go week by week" book and DVD available. And we've watched/read nearly all of them. Of course the week after our new neice Bailey came to visit Uncle Billy and Aunt Tyf, we learned the five "S's" of soothing a baby. It's something like swaddling, swinging, shaking, screaming. . . I don't know, it looked like fun. We'll have to try it next time.

Everyone be sure to vote on the side bar for your call on the sex of Fetus. The battle rages on with me, my sister Tam, and Nana (Tyf's grandma) saying - Boy; and Tyf, Tyf's sister Tam, and Mom & Dad Boettcher saying - Girl. Let you voice be heard! Rock the vote!