Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Go Horns!

Another beautiful picture of Kiernan from Fiona. That's right, as if there was any doubt, he's a Longhorn. Even though football season is almost upon us, at least I can comfort myself that I have some time before he's as obsessed with fantasy football as his daddy.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Alrighty then, either sweet Kiernan has woken up on the crankiest side of his crib possible or we have teeth fast approaching. Let me describe my morning to you:

7:00 am - Kiernan wakes up and howls to come into bed with Momma
7:02 am - Momma tries to nurse a super congested baby as he howls his displeasure
7:03 am - Momma is secretly envious that Daddy leaves the house to go to work soon
7:07 am - Momma continues to try to nurse a baby who is hungry but is refusing to nurse
7:30 am - Daddy leaves for work (is that skipping out the door I detect? hmm, he'll pay for that later)
8:40 am - Kiernan wakes up from an hour of fitful sleep even hungrier than before but convinced that Momma is trying to poison him via boobie
8:43 am - Momma mentally tallies how much easier dogs are than babies
8:45 am - Momma gets up and listens to 10 minutes of snuffling, crying, pity-partying, and baby-swearing in her general direction as she takes a speed shower
9:45 am - Our stinkin' tile guy finally shows up after taking four days off and Momma has to have a show-down-throw-down with him to explain in very plain terms that, although he is a nice guy, it's time for him to move on to greener pastures. That's read: Finish the bloody floors, Richard. We wanted a tile guy, not a roommate.
10:08 am - Momma is ready to go back to bed. Sans baby, thank you very much.
10:36 am - Momma has a brief reprieve from the complaining when she lets Kiernan drink cold water from a water bottle. Momma attempts to calculate how much water she can give a baby before that "water poisoning" stuff kicks in. Pesky, pesky, water poisoning.
10:54 am - Momma finally notices through the cloud of tile dust that Kiernan seems to be pulling at his lower jaw quite a bit. Is this the mythical teething we've heard so much about?
10:55 am - Momma wastes no time scrounging around for the infant Tylenol to dose said baby to the gills with grapey goodness
10:56 am - Momma is horrified to learn that, although she bought INFANT Tylenol, the label clearly states that to administer Tylenol to anyone under age two, you must call your doctor to receive the instructions for dosing. Seriously? Infant Tylenol is not, in fact, for infants? Color me confused.
10:57 am - Momma calls the pediatrician's office and is put on hold for way too long by someone who is way too perky only to be told that a nurse will have to call her back
10:58 am - Momma googles (yes Honey, I know Google hates that I use their trademarked name as a verb) the dosage and already has the dropper in Kiernan's mouth before the receptionist has even relayed the message to the pediatrician's nurse
11:00 am - Kiernan finally nurses and both Momma and baby start to feel much better
11:14 am - Kiernan is passed out and Momma is able to blog about all this drama

You can see that there was no time for picture taking. I'll be sure to feel around for tee-furs once Little Boy wakes up. What a day and it's only noon.

By the way, the last entry should read that at 11:57 the nurse finally called me back to let me know what the internet already told me. Yeah, like folks with crying babies have an hour to wait around for dosing instructions. If the people from Infant Tylenol read our blog, please take this under advisement.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A lurking alligator

One more pic from Fiona...

Brace yourself, massive cuteness ahead!

Fiona Green has been at it again! ;)

Billy and I took Kiernan a few weekends ago to get some family photos taken by our pup photographer, Fiona Green. Of course we were all dressed in burnt orange (GO HORNS!). Well, today I took Kiernan back to get some shots of him by himself and the few that I've seen so far are amazing. We officially go on Sunday to pick out the photos we're going to have printed but, from what I've seen so far, I'm thinking it's going to be a very difficult decision!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Kiernan's new trick

What could make me love this little boy even more than I ever thought possible? His latest trick has Billy and I both absolutely thrilled. No, no, he hasn't learned how to pick up the dog pooh. Nope, folding the laundry isn't at the top of his list either. And we're still waiting for him to prepare dinner at night (sidenote: we're holding auditions for *anyone* to fill that position). Are you ready?

He's sleeping through the night in his OWN crib!!!

Wow! I'm so thrilled! I was afraid to say something before thinking that maybe it was just a fluke, but this is his third night of sleeping the entire night in his own bed so I'm feeling a bit more confident. I'll leave you with a pic of Kiernan practicing his standing so you can see how we're exhausting him during the day to achieve these sleep-filled nights. Please excuse his daddy's lack of fashion sense with those socks! ;)