Monday, February 23, 2009

And then there were two...

I know the title of this post may be a little misleading. Let me explain.

Despite the dogs' vote that this newest foster dog of ours be hastened out the door (just joshing: the pups love Kiernan dearly, especially box-of-rocks Moxie), it is not our beautiful son who has fled the scene. It is my sweet husband. That's right, give Billy a paying gig in Austin and he's hitting I-35 like a long-haul trucker. Today marks the second Monday in a row that I've faced the week in DFW alone with a small, noncommuniciative howler monkey. My level of trepidition was much higher last week, namely because I wasn't sure I would survive the week. Well, I emerged relatively unscathed last Friday night so I know that physically it can be done. So, while I'm not thrilled with the prospect of being down to two until Friday night again, I will keep my hopes (and panicked phone calls to the pediatritian) up.

And, because today is Billy's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SWEETHEART!) I won't even tell him about the insane-o-ness (yes, it's a word) until tomorrow (which is my birthday). Let him have one day of peace. That's my gift this year. Isn't being broke awesome? ;)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Too early for split personalities?

We're starting to get the hang of this whole "baby" thing. Well, to be honest, I should say that every time we *think* we have this baby thing figured out, sweet Kiernan throws in a pop quiz or two. I think somehow we may have inadvertantly signed up for the baby continuing education course.

What would make a perfectly lovely baby Dr. Jekyll morph into an inconsolable Mr. Hyde? Ah yes, let me introduce you to the bulb aspirator. Fondly referred to as the mogie sucker in our household (hey, you try saying "aspirator" on 45 minutes of sleep in three days), it has been a constant source of torment for our sweet son. Kiernan has made his 4th week of life a little more colorful by getting a cold, despite the fact that the kid has seriously not left the house except for doctor's appointments (which, at the last, had him weighing in at 9 pounds, 4 ounces). His major cold symptom? The most conjested nose ever, hampered strongly by his cute but puzzled look when you tell him to blow his nose. Enter the mogie sucker and cue the anger.

We'll leave you with a few photos so you can see the transition. Be afraid, be very afraid.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Baby screaming in the dead of night . . .

Okay, John Lennon I'm not but you get the idea. And truth be told, the Pee Ninja is a happy and quiet little boy. He only lets loose with a red-faced wail when he's hungry or when dad is taking too long changing his diaper (which carries its own wet dangers).

The Ninja is now 16 days old and doing very well. He has recovered from his tachypnea (fluid in the lungs) and his jaundice. The Pee Ninja has gone to two pediatrician appointments where he refrained from using his pee ninja skills on the doctor and nurses. Thus, they gave him a clean bill of health. The doctor did, however, say that due to flu season the Ninja should be kept home for 2 Months! I don't think the doctor understands the worlds need for the Pee Ninja. There are evil-doers out there that must feel the warm-wet stream of justice. For now they are safe while the Ninja grows and practices his aim with/on his dad, and himself a little.

Tyfany and I have been very lucky to have Tyf's Mom staying with us for the past week, allowing us to get some sleep, and finish the nursery. Val has been great help in just keeping the house hold moving, doing laundry or feeding the dogs, when Tyf and I could barely remember our names. But, as of tonight we are on our own. So keep those prayers coming, and if you see Val give her a big hug of thanks.

I leave you with photos of the Herald of Justice, the great Pee Ninja of the Seventh House of Pudding Weasels. See above. Those were supposed to be at the bottom of the post.