Saturday, February 21, 2009

Too early for split personalities?

We're starting to get the hang of this whole "baby" thing. Well, to be honest, I should say that every time we *think* we have this baby thing figured out, sweet Kiernan throws in a pop quiz or two. I think somehow we may have inadvertantly signed up for the baby continuing education course.

What would make a perfectly lovely baby Dr. Jekyll morph into an inconsolable Mr. Hyde? Ah yes, let me introduce you to the bulb aspirator. Fondly referred to as the mogie sucker in our household (hey, you try saying "aspirator" on 45 minutes of sleep in three days), it has been a constant source of torment for our sweet son. Kiernan has made his 4th week of life a little more colorful by getting a cold, despite the fact that the kid has seriously not left the house except for doctor's appointments (which, at the last, had him weighing in at 9 pounds, 4 ounces). His major cold symptom? The most conjested nose ever, hampered strongly by his cute but puzzled look when you tell him to blow his nose. Enter the mogie sucker and cue the anger.

We'll leave you with a few photos so you can see the transition. Be afraid, be very afraid.

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