Whoo hoo, Bones has been adopted!!!
As Billy will attest, lately we've been a tad overrun with foster dogs. We have two GSP puppies with GSP Rescue (Ransom and Rawling, only the cutest little boys ever) and Bones, our pittie with Little Orphan Angels. Let me do the math for you: that's six dogs, one kitty, and a baby in less than 2,000 square feet. However, I got the phone call this morning that Bones has an application in on him from a wonderful family and I'm going to meet with them this afternoon! We met this family last weekend and both Larry, the LOA director, and I were very impressed. They seem really great and I know Bones would have an incredible life with them.
Here are some beautiful pictures that Fiona took of this sweet boy just this past Tuesday. I swear, there's something about the timing of Fiona taking pictures of our foster pups. We can have a foster that we've had for a month and, 20 minutes after I post pictures that Fiona has taken, we have the perfect folks fill out an application. Let's hope our streak continues!