Kennedy Windsor Delaney was born at 3:42 p.m. on March 20, 2013. She weighed in at 9 lbs., 7 oz. and measured 20 inches long. Things went smoothly, if not very quickly, during delivery. As is our way, Kennedy was whisked away to NICU due to having a tachypnea (fluid in her lungs), hypoglycemia, a heart arrhythmia and to top it all off trouble with her body temperature.
Within 24 hours she was cleared of the heart arrhythmia and hypoglycemia. 48 hours later her body temp has stabilized and her breathing is nearly 100%. Now, we wait on a few more tests and hope to take our girl home tomorrow (which will still be faster than either of her brothers).
Kier and Cade are not happy about Mom and Dad being gone so much but the hospital can be fun too ...