Monday, September 8, 2008

Some results are in...

Unfortunately, only some of the results. The sex of baby B-B is still an unknown, possibly Sept. 23 if all goes as planned. The results that we do have are from "most" of the blood work. If you remember from a previous post, the blood-draw turned into a bit of a fiasco (even though I don’t think vomiting on a nurse is that big a deal). It turns out that an unconscious-vomiting-convulsing baby mama can keep the nurses from getting enough blood to run all the tests. The tests they were able to run came back “A-OK”. And the tests that were run were the ones concerning the baby’s development. Thus, baby B-B (I was told I can’t use “Fetus” anymore) is normal for AFP, hCG, uE3 and, apparently, the “rh factor” isn’t going to be a factor. So, short but sweet, everything is progressing perfectly (even though Tyf still thinks she has the diabetes). Perhaps after the next round of tests we can put the ‘betes to bed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I LOVE the baby blog! I'm glad to hear everything is going well and everybody is healthy. :)