Monday, January 26, 2009

Finally, good news!

Sorry it's taken me a few days to post a new update. It's amazing how little time (and sleep) Billy and I have had since Kiernan came along. And to think, he's not even home yet!

On to the good news: As of this morning (Monday) Billy and I have completed our "rooming in" that the NICU requires before we can take Little Guy home. Pretty much it meant that Billy and I had to spend another 24 hours at the hospital (didn't we just leave here?) to show that we could take care of our "premie" baby. Yes, I know how ridiculous it sounds to call a 8 pound baby premature.

More good news: Kiernan was taken out from under the lights for his jaundice as of yesterday morning because his bilirubin levels (still not sure if I'm spelling that correctly) had dropped to a normal level. He's also had all of his leads removed and actually looks like a real baby now, not part baby part machine. Billy and I have been joking that when the microwave beeps at home Kiernan will probably perk up and say, "Momma?" because of all the machines he's been hooked up to in his short week of life. It's been an adventure, that's for sure.

And ending with some good news: We have it on good authority that we will be able to take home our baby at some point today. Kiernan's scheduled to be circumcised and then he'll have to be observed for several hours, but I'm pretty sure that unless his bilirubin levels that they drew for at 5 AM come back crazy we will be heading home this afternoon/evening with a baby. Wow, what a crazy week this has been! Thank you all for all your prayers and support. Seriously, Billy and I feel very, very loved. And hey, if you're feeling like throwing a few more good thoughts our way, please pray for Billy as he heads to a job interview in Dallas this morning. The job is more temporary work, but it would be wonderful if he had a 9-5 kind of job.

I'll be sure to post some pictures as soon as we get home and I have access to the camera cable. Sorry we've been such slackers about getting more stuff up here. Like I said, it's been crazy!

1 comment:

Kandy said...

Tyfany,Billy, and Kiernan,
My thoughts are definitely with all of you. Like Larry said please let me know what I can do to help. I can bring food or maybe do your laundry w/the cat laundry :)
Seriously, my thoughts are with you and Kiernan and also with Billys interview.
Much love,