Friday, January 23, 2009

One step forward, two steps back

More from Tyf...

I was discharged late last night (think midnight) after we'd had a great afternoon loving on Kiernan. We had a very successful breastfeeding session in the afternoon and both Billy and I were feeling very optimistic about our chances of introducing our little one to three rowdy Ridgebacks in the very near future. We'd also heard from the lactation consultant (shhh) that she'd overheard the NICU nurses saying he'd probably go home in two days. So exciting! And then, last night. We happily went down to NICU around 9:00 for his feeding and were told that he'd relapsed and was back on the feeding tube because of his rapid breathing. In addition to that blow (and it really was a blow, hormotional or not, I burst into tears), his billirubin (sp?) numbers had continued to climb and they were thinking more and more that he would end up under lights to try to stop his jaundice. Oh yes, fun times all around. I was super excited by the amount of breastmilk I was able to pump (these are the things you learn about when I write the posts instead of Billy, it's the risk you take), so much so that I was glad to take on the nickname "Momma Cow." To all you guys out there, tread carefully with that one. Calling your loving spouse a Momma Cow is a very thin line. Mooing, for those of you taking notes, is *over* the line.

So, back to the house sans baby (nothing like an empty carseat in the back of the car to drive that point home) to have a fitful night of waking every 2 1/2 hours to try to pump (pretty much useless when I'm not near Kiernan) and stressful thoughts. We've just come back from the hospital after being there this morning and, although there really wasn't much change in his respiration rates, we were able to breastfeed and spend some time cuddling with him. Ooh, and awesome news to report: his IV in his *head* was removed around 10:00 this morning. Such a cuter look.

My mom is in town and she and I are going back down to the hospital after I get a few hours of sleep (Billy's going into work for a few hours tonight). Please continue your prayers and happy thoughts that Kiernan will be ready to see the outside of the hospital soon. I know the little guy has never been to our house, but it already feels weird not having him with us.

1 comment:

Larry Erdman said...

I just wanted to let you know that you and Billy and Kiernan are in our thoughts. Please let me know if you need anything....errands, take food to your home, etc. Please don't hesitate to ask.
Take care,
Beth and Larry